Thames | Waihi | Paeroa | Whangamata
Driving Lessons & Defensive Driving Courses with Gavin Buchanan
THAMES starts February 18, WAIHI TBA
FULL Driving lessons
get your full driving licence!
What you’ll learn in our driving lesson/s
(manual or automatic) with your Driving Instructor, Gavin Buchanan.
We’ll review your driving and answer any questions you may have.
The Full driving test is as much about observation, as it is about driving safely and within the road rules.
Whilst the Full Test is a much shorter drive than the Restricted Test, it's much more comprehensive and interactive.
I will teach you;
what specific hazards are
how they could affect you
how you can keep yourself and others safe from each specific hazard.

About the Full Licence Driving test
As a former Testing Officer who took over 10,000 driving tests, I was sad to see so many drivers fail the Full Test, simply because they are unfamiliar with what hazards are around them and how to deal with them.
If you make 2 critical errors or 1 immediate fail error at any time your test will be terminated.
Simulated Full test
Take the fear out of the Full test and learn what to do to succeed. When you’re ready, book a practice Full licence driving test with me. It's just like the real thing but I help you learn what you may be doing wrong and how to correct it, unlike the real test.
Please note that this is a PRACTICE test only. To book your driving test, please book online with Waka Kotahi.
Driving Lesson Fees
$80 including GST for 60 minutes. It's important to bring your licence with you to every lesson. Without your licence your lesson cannot proceed and a cancellation fee will apply. Click here to book a lesson now
The lesson includes the cost of insurance in the hourly fee. However, there is a $750 excess to be paid by the driver, in the event of an accident. I hold personal liability insurance for up to one million dollars. Thames Driver Training accepts no liability in the event of damage to your person, vehicle, property or third party.
Using Your Car
Lessons in your own manual or automatic car are fine. In fact, it's good to have lessons in the car you will be driving and probably doing the test in. Your vehicle must registered, warranted etc. Insurance while you or your child is learning is your own responsibility. Please check with your own insurer to ensure you have the correct cover.
If paying by online banking, please make sure payment is in our account the day before the lesson. If paying by cash, please pay on the day at the start of your lesson. Lessons will only proceed once payment is received.
Please give 48 hours notice of cancellation to avoid paying for missing the lesson
Running Late?
Please text me on 027 268 6381 urgently to advise if you are running late. Your lesson may be shortened as lesson times are tightly scheduled.